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What's new in March?

The measures of the law for controlled immigration, an effective right of asylum and successful integration are ...

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French Tech Visa for Employees extended!

The extended French Tech Visa for Employees!

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Choose France summit: January 22, 2018

More than 140 CEOs among the most influential on the planet will be gathered at the Palace of Versailles on Monday January 22 ...

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News, a new website dedicated to foreign entrepreneurs

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France: An attractive country for workers

According to a study by the Boston Consulting Group, an international strategy consultancy, France is one ...

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FT 1000 ranking: Paris is home to the Europe’s fastest growing companies

The Financial Times, in partnership with Statista, has just published the prize list for the first time ...

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Paris to host the Olympic Games in 2024

Last week, members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) officially announced the name of the city ...

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Withholding Income Tax regime

Le prélèvement à la source s'appliquera à partir du 1er janvier 2019.

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Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union

Le 19 mars dernier, la Commission Européenne a publié le projet d’accord de retrait du Royaume-Uni de l’Union-Européenne...

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Proposals on the reform of the European Union visa policy

La politique commune de l’Union Européenne en matière de visas pour les séjours de courte durée au sein de l'espace Schengen...

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Business France publishes 2017 Annual Report

Business France publie ce jour son Rapport annuel sur l'internationalisation de l'économie française...

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