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Posting of workers: Review of the European directive

The last stage of the review of the Posted Work Directive was validated on April 11, 2018 ...

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Immigration bill

Le 22 avril 2018, le projet de loi pour une immigration maîtrisée et un droit d’asile a été adopté par l’Assemblée Nationale en première lecture...

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Startuppers, Choose France : The Welcome Office at Vivatech !

Business France was present at Viva Technology, a key innovation event held on May 24, 25 and 26, 2018 ...

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Immigration Bill

Le 21 février 2018, le projet de loi pour une immigration maîtrisée et un droit d’asile a été présenté au conseil des ministres...

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News celebrates its first birthday!

le site vous informe, vous guide et vous accompagne vous et votre famille dans...

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“Choose France” summit

140 dirigeants d’entreprises d’envergure mondiale ont participé à l’évènement « Choose France » le 22 janvier dernier à Versailles...

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France becoming ever more attractive to foreign investors

According to the barometer A.T. Kearney carried out last January with 500 managers of companies achieving a turnover of more than 500 ...

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Make our planet great again

Following the decision of the United States to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, the President of the Republic, Emmanuel MACRON launched, on June 1, 2017 ...

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Business France releases Doing Business 2017

Published each year by Business France, the purpose of Doing Business is to inform investors ...

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Discover the 70 winners of the French Tech Ticket Season 2

Launched on June 21, 2016, the second season of the French Tech Ticket contest ended on September 23 ...

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New website launched

This service takes the form of an information site,, which guides and provides information on the main steps ...

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