France welcomes talent


Talents are the core of businesses’ strategies. Talent mobility is a key factor for the economy of States to measure their attractiveness.

Host country conditions for entrepreneurs and international talent and their families irrevocably influence the choice of country for them.

France’s economic attractiveness

Foreign direct investment

For the fourth time in a row, France has come in first place for foreign investment projects in Europe. The level reached is historic: France has never been as attractive as it was in 2022.

The report shows strong growth in foreign investment in France in 2022, and a record number of projects registered.

France, is a start-up Nation

France is on its way to become one of the world’s more attractive countries as a result of the French Tech system.

This is a unique ecosystem that brings together start-ups, investors, decision-makers, international talent, and community builders.

Research and development (R&D)

In 2022, the number of foreign R&D investment projects reached a historic number.

Creation and security of jobs

In 2022, a record number of jobs were created or maintained thanks to foreign investment decisions.

Studying and doing research in France

A training system of quality :

Quality education

Leading criteria of choice for international students

90% of international students recommend France as a  destination for higher learning.


International talent is particularly satisfied with access to culture and art as well as to French gastronomy and infrastructure, especially the mass transit system.

> Take a look at INSEAD’s talents survey.

General framework


France has set up attractive systems to make the country welcoming for investors, entrepreneurs, start-uppers, and international talent that wish to set up shop, work, and live for a long time in France with their family.

Increased mobility thanks to the talent passport

Residence permit valid for up to 4 years, renewable.

The family (spouse and minor children) benefits from an accompanying family procedure.

High-quality social security

Continuity of any rights acquires with 74 bilateral conventions and social security agreements

1st OECD country in terms of health accessibility in 2018.

> Take a look at the 2019 OECD Panorama

An attractive expatriate tax system

A special expatriate exemption schemes for a period for up to 8 years

126 tax treaties concluded by France in order to avoid double taxation

Booming international education

More than 550 international programs and 18 languages taught.

An attractive ecosystem for startups

A total of €13.5 billion raised in 2022.


Doing Business: Welcoming talents

France, an attractive destination for investors, business creators, managers and foreign executives!

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Doing Business : Available support and grants

Simplify and accelerate the realization of your projects in France.

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Doing Business : Successfully setting up in France

Quelle que soit votre stratégie de développement, vous trouverez en France la formule juridique la mieux adaptée à votre choix d’implantation.

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