Information related to Coronavirus COVID-19 – March 17th
On March 16, 2020, the French President of the Republic decided to take measures to minimize contact and travel. A containment system is in place throughout the territory from Tuesday, March 17 at 12:00 p.m., for a minimum of 15 days.
Any movement outside home is banned, with exceptions (to workplaces when presence is essential, purchases of basic necessities, for health reasons, etc.) and with a certificate.
For more information on the authorized reasons to move outside home and download the certificate (French only).
It was also decided to close the borders of the European Union and the Schengen area from March 17, 2020. All travels between non-European countries and the EU is suspended for an initial period of 30 days from midday March 17th.
For any questions that you may have, the following toll-free number, available 24/7 is put in place by the Government: 0 800 130 000 (French only)
For any information regarding the evolution of the situation in France, please visit the website:
Regarding your stay and your upcoming trips to France, if you live abroad please contact the competent authorities in your residence country of residence, or your embassy if you already reside in France.
Simple protection mesures
The virus does not spread on its own. People who have the virus are the ones who spread it. Therefore, the following measures can help you protect yourself (and others) from the virus:
- Stay at home
- Wash your hands regularly with soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
- Cough or sneeze in your elbow;
- Use single-use tissues and throw them into the bin;
- Do not shake hands or greet people with kisses on the cheek.
If symptoms, thinking of Covid-19, appear (cough, fever), stay at home and call a city doctor or the local health hotline. You can also benefit from teleconsultation.
If symptoms worsen with difficulty breathing and signs of suffocation, call the SAMU-Center 15.