France becoming ever more attractive to foreign investors

The A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index was published this week. According to its survey conducted in January 2017 with 500 senior executives from companies generating annual revenues of US$500 million or more across 30 different countries, rance is the seventh most attractive FDI destination in the world.
This represents France’s best performance to date, after rising from 17th place in 2012 to eighth in 2016, which the report credits to reforms undertaken to improve productivity and the FDI environment. France also gained nine places among American investors, who ranked France in fourth place, and also among tech firms, who ranked France fifth.
Xavier Mesnard, a Partner at A.T. Kearney, believes that “France has great structural advantages – location, infrastructure, demographics, education – that have received widespread international coverage thanks to Business France and initiatives such as ‘La French Tech.’”
The way France is viewed by foreign investors has improved noticeably in recent years. Business France’s Annual Report, published in March, recorded 1,117 new job-creating investment decisions in 2016 – up 16% from the previous year – that created or maintained 30,108 jobs.
To find out more about the Business France Annual Report click here.
And to read more about the A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, click here.