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Experts talks

Brexit: I live in the UK and often travel to France for work or personal reasons

As a British citizen, I often travel to France for professional reasons, what are the consequences of Brexit?

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Experts talks

Brexit: I am going to or am planning to settle in France

As a British citizen, I am going or planning to live and work in France.

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Experts talks

Brexit: where to obtain more information?

The French and British governments have launched general information websites on the consequences of Brexit.

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Experts talks

Taxation of employee share ownership and attractiveness of talents in France

Discover employee share ownership

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Business creator share subscription warrants (BSPCE)

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New provisions on the posting of workers

From 30 July 2020, due to the transposition of the EU directive 2018/957 of 28 June 2018, new rules apply to the posting of workers in France, as in the other Member States of the European Union.

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Government measures to assist companies and workers impacted by COVID-19

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Information related to Coronavirus COVID-19 - March 17th

COVID-19/ On March 16, 2020, the French President of the Republic decided to take measures to minimize contact and travel.

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