The 2024 academic Ranking of World Universities has just been published

French universities stand out in the world ranking of a thousand universities in the field of science and technology.   

Three of them feature in the top 50.   

Paris-Saclay is in third place, among the top 10 European universities.   

The Shanghai ranking list assesses academic performance and the quality of research on the basis of six criteria:   

  • The number of alumni who have won a Nobel Prize or Fields Medal   
  • The number of Nobel Prize winners and Fields Medal winners among teaching and research staff   
  • The number of researchers most cited in their field, by university   
  • The number of articles published in the journals Nature and science   
  • Number of articles indexed by Thomson Scientific  
  • Academic performance of professors  

For more information here is the link  : ShanghaiRanking’s Academic Ranking of World Universities